Brexit & Business: Is your cloud data stored in the UK?

As the UK faces a potential ‘Brexit’, firms need to be focusing their attention on the location of their data and how exiting the EU could affect data protection regulations regarding the sovereignty of their data. We’ve put together a few starter points to encourage you to think about where your data is located and how this could affect your business in the event of a Brexit.
How will the Brexit affect my data?
Leaving the EU could have a significant impact on UK data laws, meaning organisations operating in the UK with data stored overseas, could be forced to relocate their data back to the UK. This prompts the question – would you like your data to be stored overseas if we were to leave the EU? If data sovereignty is of high importance to your business, you may want to consider choosing a data backup solution that is located in the UK.
How do I find out where my data is stored?
VMware commissioned a study of 250 independent public and private sector organisations to assess their readiness for a shift in legislation. The research showed that businesses are doing very little to prepare for the change, with almost two-thirds of IT decision makers uncertain about where their data actually lives. A third of those surveyed said their data is stored somewhere outside of the UK, with only ten per cent of those certain they will be able to bring the data back to the UK safely if needed.
Reputable cloud providers should take a plain-English approach when writing their service agreements so businesses don’t have to second-guess how their data might be used or where it is stored. If you business chooses a cloud provider with a transparent approach to data storage, there should not be any confusion around the subject of data location, but if you are unsure where your data is located now more than ever is the time to actually read your policy agreement.
What can I do to prepare for a Brexit?
It’s in your best interests to act sooner rather than later, both financially and for peace of mind. By choosing a cloud provider that uses only UK datacentres, businesses can at least tackle one implication of leaving the EU. Re-establishing control of data and ensuring data is stored on home turf, will mean businesses are better prepared in the event of any changes in the future that could affect the Data Protection Act.
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