Our UK Datacentres

Safe, Secure, Stringent
Safeguarding your data is our absolute top priority. That’s why our UK-based datacentres in Milton Keynes and Reading are tier-4, enterprise-class facilities with unmatched resilience and a variety of critical security features.

Our datacentres are…

We have extremely strong disaster recovery measures in place. Our emergency backup generators provide contingency power supply to our datacentres, even in the event of a natural disaster or a fire that may cause a mains power outage.

Anyone who wants to gain unauthorised access has to get past a 4m-high steel fence with razor-wire extensions, perimeter alarms connected to roller shutters, and both physical security staff and surveillance that operate 24/7. Even authorised personnel have to use a secure double gate to get in.

All perimeter areas are covered with high-resolution LED cameras. Internally, all entrance points are covered with separate multiple cameras, while each hall has a minimum of four CCTV cameras, monitored by site personnel and remote site staff.

Our datacentres operate to ISO27001 standards, are PCI-compliant, support high rack power densities of up to 15kW, and are connected to a resilient, multi-carrier high speed network with 2ms of network latency.
Want to know more? Get in touch.
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how we can help your business