3 Things Spock Would Say About Cloud Computing

“Change is the essential process of all existence”
Spot on, Spock.
Recent research has shown that 31% of IT decision makers are still reluctant to move business systems to the cloud. Whether it’s a fear of the unknown, or fear of change, it seems as though many businesses are surprisingly wary of cloud technology and have little or no plans to move to a cloud-based alternative.
That’s where we come in. Yes change is a big deal. We fear change because we can never be 100% certain of the outcome. The proven benefits of cloud computing might well be splattered all over the internet, but when it concerns your business, it’s only natural to need a little more convincing. For that reason, we walk you through the move every step of the way.
Each member of our team has over a decade of technical experience under their belt, not to mention a whole lot of expert knowledge on the cloud computing landscape. Our Cloud Specialists ensure that each and every cloud solution is specifically tailored to suit your business. From the industry your business lies within, to the number of pens in your pen pot, we listen to every detail to ensure your bespoke cloud solution fits your organisation like a glove.
“I’m afraid that’s illogical captain”
Cloud computing has a whole plethora of benefits. The bottom line, however, is that utilising a cloud-based alternative saves companies money and increases their profits. Cloud computing provides you with the freedom to only pay for what you use, abolishing the need for cumbersome on-site servers that rapidly depreciate and become outdated and unreliable. Businesses that have saved money through the use of the cloud can then reinvest those savings back into the business or in areas that need a little TLC.
Another vital cost benefit of cloud computing is its economy of scale and the ability to scale up and down quickly according to fluctuations in demand. The list goes on, but we’re going to have to agree with Spock on this one, it would be completely illogical to continue using expensive in-house hardware when the benefits of cloud computing are so much greater.
“The Needs of the Many Outweigh the Needs of the Few”
In many small business and corporate environments using in-house hardware, server utilisation rates hover around 5 or 10 percent. This means that you need more servers to get the same amount of work done. With the cloud however, utilisation rates are typically 60-70 percent as shared data centres can employ fewer machines to get an equivalent capacity, making it a much more efficient solution.
Servers are extremely expensive to purchase and to power. The cost of in-house hardware can cost your business a fortune and may not always be used to its full potential. However, as cloud computing means a large number of organisations share the same infrastructure, your business can remove energy costs associated with powering in-house hardware. Migrating to the cloud means minimising waste; utilising shared resources decreases unused capacity and cuts unnecessary power bills, making the cloud an extremely efficient and economic alternative to in-house hardware.
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